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We all know that it is very difficult to get off a habit like smoking. To quit the habit it requires a humongous effort from the smoker and even after quitting it take careful steps to keep the urge to smoke away from you. Here are a few tips how to manage the first few days after you quit smoking.


One easy way to prevent the urge to smoke is by sipping cold water through a straw so that it replaces the act of sucking on a cigarette. Sipping also releases dopamine, a brain chemical that helps in easing our bad moods.

As far as food or diet is concerned, eating small meals can help to get over the urge to smoke. You should choose light, healthy foods to avoid any weight gain.


As you quit smoking you will be starting to enjoy the benefits of a smoke-free life. What you should do is seriously make a note of all the benefits and store it in your mind. The benefits may include feeling in control, saving money, smelling better, food tasting better, feeling more energetic. When the urge to smoke rekindles, just take a look at the long list of benefits and decide to keep it away.


One big advantage of stopping the smoking habit is that your mouth feels and smells better. You will have better taste for your food and your breath will be fresher. Brush your teeth as often as you can so that your teeth, mouth and breath remain fresh. This will deter you every time you want a smoke.


It has been found that drinking is a habit that will make a person go back to smoking. We know alcohol breaks down self-control and that can increase your urge for a smoke. Many people associate smoking with a session of drinking, so a drink or two can make you feel like lighting up again.


Earlier when you smoked you would hunt for a place to smoke but now you should do the opposite. You can find a no-smoking zone and enter it whenever you feel like having a smoke. If the place has other distractions like a football game or music then it will help you get away from smoking.

Good Exercise

A good work out is a powerful distraction tool. When you are active the body sends natural chemicals that help in easing your mood or stress. Walking is the simplest form of exercise. You can choose the right activity to keep you motivated.

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You should know if you are getting enough of vitamin B12, since it is vital to stay healthy. Vitamin B12 is one such vitamin that does a lot of things for your body. Mainly vitamin B12 is responsible for making the DNA and the red blood cells of the body. The important aspect is that vitamin B12 is not produced by the body naturally and your body should get if from animal based foods or supplements. The supply of vitamin B12 should be regular again because the body cannot store vitamin B12 by itself for long periods.

How much vitamin B12 is needed?

The quantity of vitamin B12 required by the body for its normal functioning depends on varieties of factors like the age, eating habits, medical conditions and whether you are taking any type of medications etc. Usually babies between the age of 7- 12 months may need 0.5 micrograms of vitamin B12, whereas a child of 9-13 years may need 1.8 mcg and an adult 2.4 mcg.

Vitamin B12 deficiency

It is observed that with age it becomes really harder to absorb vitamins. If you have had a weight loss surgery or any other surgery that reduced your stomach then absorption of vitamin is again impaired. If you drink heavily or if you’ve taken acid- reducing medications for a long time it will cause problem in absorbing vitamins.

Vitamin B12 deficiency is also seen in those with gastritis, where the stomach lining gets thinned. Chronic anaemia is another reason for vitamin B12 deficiency. Conditions that affect small intestine like celiac disease or bacterial growth can affect vitamin B12 absorption. Immune system disorders like lupus can also be a reason. Deficiency occurs when your diet is purely vegan where you don’t eat any animal product or you are a vegetarian and you don’t eat enough of eggs or dairy products to meet your B12 needs.

Pregnancy & B12 Deficiency

A pregnant woman on a vegetarian or vegan diet has to be extra cautious about the required B12 levels. A normal level of B12 is an absolute necessity for an expectant mother and even after delivery if you are breast feeding the infant a healthy level of B12 is required for both your health and the baby’s health. If you lack B12 the bay will have problems in its development and will not grow normally. So, pregnant and lactating mothers have to be extra careful about their levels of vitamin B12.

Symptoms of B12 deficiency

Some of the main symptoms associated with B12 deficiency are weakness, tiredness, heart palpitations, shortness of breath, pale skin, constipation, diarrhoea, loss of appetite, nerve problems, muscle weakness, vision loss, mental depression,  memory loss and behaviour changes. The person will also show symptoms of being anaemic.

How to prevent B12 deficiency?

You can prevent the onset of B12 deficiency by eating enough meat, poultry, seafood and dairy products. If you restrict or don’t eat animal products you can go in for multivitamin tablets, supplements and foods fortified with vitamin B12. It is always better to consult your doctor before taking any food supplement especially if you are on other medication.

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How often do we look into the mirror and ponder. Do I really like what I see? You will always want to be more perfect, a little thinner, curvier, tanner or muscular. But next time when you stand before the mirror just give a few seconds to the thought of those who live in this world with  many organs missing or dysfunctional. Rather than thinking of improving your own looks, you could actually do something for those struggling to live without a fully functional body. You can be an organ donor.

There are lot of fears and phobias regarding organ donation and here let us see if some of these tips help you make a decision.

Hundreds of thousands need organs

Imagine a huge football stadium overflowing with people and that could be the number of people in your country waiting for an organ. As science advances and medical technology grows there is more and more possibility for a dying person to hang on to life and maybe return to a normal life. In fact everyday the number of needy people are growing but the number of organ donors are not equal to it.

You body can save lives

If you have ever dreamt of changing a little bit of this world an its miseries this may be an opportunity. It is estimated that instead of confining your body to a deep grave or burning it on the pyre, your single body can save up to 8 lives and enhance the quality of life for 50 others. These could be the people who will bring about a change in the world that your future generation will benefit from.

Beyond age, religion or geography

There are many who think that you are too young for organ donation, but it is just a myth. Organ donation stretched beyond barriers of age and young and old can participate in it.

Organ donation is beyond any religion be it Christianity, Judaism, Hinduism or Islam. Organ donation is a universally accepted thing and does not transgress any religious beliefs.

If you still feel that you are unhealthy and suffering from some kind of medical condition, remember that except the dysfunctional organ you can commit to donate your healthy organs and they will work to save many lives.

A priceless human act

There is no need to explain that organ donation is a heavenly act that humans  can perform even when they are no more on this earth (organs are harvested only after death). So many pray to god to restore their life or the life of their dear ones and you can be an angel who will enable God to answer their prayers.

Organs are donated after life saving efforts fail

There is a misconception that organ donor will be single out and will not receive proper treatment at hospitals. On the contrary organ donors will be doubly checked to see if there is any chance of their survival and the death is confirmed after a number of tests. The medical care you get will be the finest irrespective of whether you are a organ donor or not.

The whole process if free

As every organ donor and the donor family knows there is not responsibility on your part or your family related to the donation. After registering for organ donation and paperwork you can be assured that there no costs involved in organ donation and all the process is undertaken by the organization that has signed you.

Comfort for family after you pass away

Human psyche is so adaptable that being assured that your organs are functioning in a needy person will comfort your family. Sometimes the donor’s family meet the recipients and there are instances when they felt an immediate connect. The family will be proud of your noble act and feel relived that you have served God’s will even when you are not physically present.

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The world is in a search mode for that one vitamin that could build stronger bones, manage diabetes, multiple sclerosis, cancer, heart disease depression and even help lose weight. Scientists say that Vitamin D has the potential to do all this and more. Vitamin D is basically produced as a result of our skin’s reaction to sunlight and we get it from some food stuff or supplements. Let us now look at Vitamin D in particular and how its absence can affect us.

For Strong Bones

Right from infancy to old age Vitamin D is critical for strong and functional bones. This is so because Vitamin D helps the body absorb calcium from the food we eat. In aged and older adults a dose of Vitamin D with calcium helps to prevent fractures and osteoporosis. In children it helps in building strong bones, prevents rickets or bow legs, knock knees and weak bone syndrome.

Prevents Multiple Sclerosis

For those living in places far away from the sunny equator Multiple Sclerosis or MS is a constant threat. This is an autoimmune disorder and experts believe there is a direct link between sunlight, vitamin D levels and this disorder that damages the nerves. But still the clear cut answer has not been found for the link to happen.

Vitamin D and Diabetes

Many studies have proven that there is a link between Type 1 & 2 diabetes and vitamin D levels in the body. So boosting the vitamin D levels in the body could be the answer to control diabetes, but as of now there is no surety about the claim. Doctors have not yet started recommending vitamin D supplements for treatment of diabetes. Excessive body fat combined with lack of sufficient vitamin D may be the reason for diabetes.

Vitamin D against Depression

Research says that vitamin D has a prominent role in brain development which means lack of it could lead to depression and related mental disorders. But it is not proven that vitamin D supplements can help overcome depression. Your doctor should be consulted in case of depression and for further treatment.

How does sun provide vitamin D?

Normally we get our supply of vitamin D when the body is exposed to sunlight. We can get a fair amount of vitamin D in 5-10 minutes on a sunny day, but on a cloudy day with low light, some sunscreens and beauty lotions the sun may get blocked out. People with darker skin tone and older people will be unable to make enough vitamin D from short sun exposures. Those who don’t get enough of sun can also aim to eat food rich in vitamin D and also take some supplements.

Food and Vitamin D

Apart from the vitamin D supplements the normal food we eat can also supply our body’s requirement of vitamin D. Food such as fish including salmon, swordfish or mackerel provides healthy amounts of vitamin D. Small amounts of vitamin D occur in orange juice, milk, cheese, ice creams and cereals.

What are symptoms of Vitamin D deficiency?

When you have problem converting vitamin D from sunlight then it can lead to vitamin D deficiency. Mostly symptoms are not very clear to notice. Severe deficiency in adults results in soft bones known as osteomalacia. The symptoms include body pain and muscle weakness. In children depending on the severity of the deficiency, rickets may occur. There will be soft bones and skeletal problems.

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When there is a lack of blood supply to the heart, the heart muscle is deprived of the oxygen it needs. Without the oxygen the cells in the heart muscle get damaged or die off. This is what happens in a heart attack and the best thing to do is to restore the blood supply quickly. Seek medical assistance the instance you feel some discomfort or have symptoms of heart attack.

What causes heart attack?

When cholesterol and fatty substances build up they cause a plaque to develop on the blood vessel walls. This makes it difficult for the blood to flow in the blood vessels that take blood to the heart. The heart attack actually occurs when a piece of this plaque breaks and gets lodged in a smaller artery. A blood clot also forms around the broken plaque and together they block the passage of blood in the artery.

What are the symptoms?

The symptoms are usually pain, pressure and discomfort in the chest region. You may also feel shortness of breath, there may be profuse sweating and even faint or feel sick. The neck, jaw or shoulders may also hurt. There may be cold sweat and feel pain down their left arm.

Symptoms in women

Women usually feel back or neck pain, heartburn and shortness of breath. They have stomach trouble including upset stomach and even throw up. Feelings tired, light headed or dizzy are other symptoms in women who experience a heart attack. Women may suffer from flu like symptoms just couple of week prior to a heart attack.

What are the emergency steps?

When somebody suspects a heart attack then they should call for medical help immediately. A person is more likely to survive if they get treatment within 90 minutes of a heart attack. The patient can chew on an aspirin to prevent blood clot and if unconscious they may need a CPR.

What is the diagnosis for heart attack?

An EKG checks the heart’s electrical activity and helps doctors to know if the patient is having a heart attack. It can also show which of the artery has a clog or blockage. Blood tests that test for protein in the blood stream released by blood cells as they perish can be an indicator of a heart attack.

What is the treatment?

Since heart attack is a serious health emergency it is given priority in hospitals. The first task that a doctor wants to perform is getting the blood flowing back to your heart. The experts will administer drugs to dissolve the blood clots or a coronary angioplasty is done to open the blockage if any by flattening the plaque against the blood vessel wall. The doctors may even place a small stent or mesh tube in the blood vessel to keep it open.

Risk factors for heart attack

The chances of getting a heart attack is more as you age and men are more likely to suffer a heart attack than women. The genetic disposition or family history of heart attack is another serious factor. High blood pressure, cholesterol and diabetes are equally important risk factors. Stress, lack of exercise and depression are also risk factors. Smoking is another lifestyle habit that will cause heart attack.

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