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When there is a lack of blood supply to the heart, the heart muscle doesn’t get enough oxygen. Without oxygen the heart cells get damaged or die. This ultimately affects the functioning of the heart and leads to a heart attack.

The best way to recover is to get the blood flow restored as quickly as possible. The right medical help at the right time can saves lives.

What causes heart attack?

Over a period of time, cholesterol and fatty material known as plaque build up on the walls inside the blood vessels. They also occur in the blood vessels that takes blood to the heart, that is the arteries. These plaque prevents the free flow of blood to the heart. When a piece of plaque dislodges from the artery wall it breaks off and a blood clot forms around the plaque blocking the flow of blood in the artery. So the heart does not receive enough of blood and this causes the heart attack.

What are the symptoms?

The symptoms of a heart attack may include pain, pressure or discomfort in the chest. You will feel short of breath, sweat, faint or feel sick. At the same time your neck, jaw or shoulder might hurt.

People are more likely to break out in a cold sweat and feel the pain along the left arm. People will have back or neck pain, heartburn and shortness in breath. They may also have an upset stomach. The symptoms are so mild that there is a danger of ignoring it as something else.

What should be done?

When someone suspects a heart attack it is best to call for medical help. The patient is more likely to survive if they get treated within 90 minutes. While waiting for medical help to arrive the person can chew an aspirin to prevent blood clot. If the patient is unconscious then hand CPR can double their chances of survival.

How is heart attack diagnosed?

The first thing a doctor will do to diagnose a heart attack is ask the patient to undergo a EKG, which checks the electrical activity of the heart. It shows if the patient is having a heart attack. The next step is to undergo a blood test that looks for proteins that heart cells release when they die.

What is the treatment?

Doctors will immediately administer drugs that help to dissolve the blood clots and get the blood flowing to your heart. Then in all likely hood the patient will be subjected to a coronary angiogram.

Angioplasty – A small thin tube with a tiny balloon at the end is inserted into the artery through a minimally invasive procedure. The balloon helps flatten the plaque against the wall of the artery and then the balloon is extracted while it leaves behind a mesh called stent to keep the artery open.

Risks of heart attack

Age, habits like smoking and a family history of heart attack can be the risk factors. Having high blood pressure, diabetes, high cholesterol, stress, lack of exercise and being obese are other risk elements.

How to prevent it?

Quit smoking, have regular exercise, eat lot of fruits  to keep arteries clear and take preventive medicines if required as prescribed by the doctor.

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A urinary tract infection is usually very painful and frustrating, especially if they occur again and again. Doctors advice antibiotics and that should generally clear the UTI in a few days, but there are still more simpler measures to ensure that you don’t get an infection.

These little lifestyle changes can help stop all that burning, frequent urination and other unpleasant symptoms. The idea is to flush out all the bacteria from your system.

Drink Plenty of Water

The easiest way to prevent a UTI is to drink plenty of water and flush out the bacteria from the bladder and urinary tract before it can set in. If a person is well hydrated, it will be difficult to hold on too long without urinating.

Wipe Front to Back

It is the anal region that contains most of the bacteria and so it is advisable to wipe from front to the back, especially after a bowel movement. If this is practiced then there is very little chance of getting the bacteria into the urethra and causing UTI.

Observe hygiene during sex

It is best to use soap and water to wash up before having sex as this will keep away the bacteria from the urethra. Similarly urinating after sex will push the bacteria out of the system which must have entered the urinary tract.

Stop using irritating products

Many women are in the habit of using douches, deodorant sprays and powders which can cause irritation and infection leading to UTI. It is better to avoid such products.

Using suitable birth control

Certain birth control measures like diaphragm, spermicide or lubricated condoms can ultimately cause UTI problems. They actually contribute to bacterial growth. If a person habitually gets UTI and used these products then it is better to use certain water based lubricants instead or try another birth control method.

Use proper clothing

Women who get UTI can avoid wearing tight clothes and undergarments as these may trap bacteria near the urethra. Using cotton panties is also a good option.

Bath vs. Showers

Doctors usually advise women who get frequent UTIs to take daily showers instead of a body bath.

What treatments will the doctor suggest?

For frequent occurrence of UTIs the doctor may suggest the following:

To take a daily dose of antibiotics

Having a self test at home to detect UTI infection

Use of estrogen vaginal cream, if the patient has gone through menopause, this will prevent the vaginal dryness which can cause UTI

To consult the urologist for further investigation to detect other anatomical abnormalities which can cause recurrent UTI.

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There are a group of conditions that make-up what is called heart disease. The problems may be associated with the muscles, the valves or the heart rhythm. It could be cardiomyopathy, atrial fibrillation or heart failure. Some other problems affect the blood vessels, like hardened arteries which can lead to strokes.

Most of the heart problems are caused by unhealthy food, lack of exercise, smoking and alcoholism. So can high blood pressure, infections and birth defects cause heart problems.

Apart from all the above there are certain surprising reasons that can cause heart problems, here are a few of them.


We all know about noise pollution and its health impact but we may be unaware that traffic noise starting at around 50 decibels can raise your blood pressure and the risk of a heart failure. For each 10 decibel increase, your odds of heart disease and stroke goes up manifold. It is believed that the whole phenomenon is linked to how the body reacts to too much stress.


The reason though not established if you have migraine in all likelihood you may get stroke, chest pain and heart attack. If heart attacks run in your family or you have already had a stroke of some sort, you may not be able to take medicines called triptans for treating migraine, since these medicines are usually narrow the blood vessels.


With the birth of each child the risk of heart disease goes up for both the parents. But women who get their first period before there are 12 years old or stop having periods before they are 47 are more likely to have a stroke as well as a heart disease. A woman’s risk goes up if she has had a miscarriage or had her ovaries or uterus removed.


It is observed that for every 2.5 inches less than average height, the chance of heart disease goes up by 8%. Shorter people tend to have higher cholesterol and  triglyceride levels. Apart from this being shorter leads to less healthy choices and habits and this could be another reason.


It is said that having few or no friends and being not on terms with your relations increases the odds of getting heart disease.In loneliness the blood pressure actually rises and symptoms of stress appears. It is hence better to join a walking group, a club or sports activity in the neighbourhood to prevent the ill effects of loneliness.


Although the stimulant drugs can help you focus on a short term basis, in the long run they cause high blood pressure and increase the heart rate. Overtime this could lead to heart problems.


A violent, bullied and abused childhood including seeing harm done to others can be linked to lifelong high blood pressure, obesity, and type 2 diabetes when the child turns into an adult. All these problems in turn are pathways to heart problems of various kinds. The stress in early childhood and the ways adopted to overcome this stress could later lead to many heart problems and health  issues.

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Antioxidants are compounds that inhibit oxidation. Oxidation is a chemical reaction that can produce free radical, there by leading to damage the cells of organism.  The source of these antioxidants are plant and animal based foods, but the body can itself make a few of these, too. Vitamins C and E, beta-carotene and the minerals flavanoids, phenols, plyphenols and phytoestrogens are also antioxidants.

What are their functions?

Each antioxidant works in a different way and together they team-up to fight free radicals. These chemicals cause the oxidation process that damages the cells and the genetic materials inside them. Free radicals are produced in the body when food is processed, gets sunlight, and gets affected by toxins like smoke, pollution and alcohol. Antioxidants usually stop the free radicals in their tracks, which means they don’t allow the free radicals to form or just breaks them down, so they turn harmless.

Where to find them?

You can easily get antioxidants from your body itself. The food we eat is what gives us the majority of antioxidant supply.

Vitamin E

Vitamin E is obtained from whole grains, vegetable oils (olive, sunflower, canola), nuts, and green leafy vegetables.

It is stored in fat and fights off free radicals that attack fats in the cell walls. It can also stop LDL cholesterol from turning thicker and harden the arteries leading to cardiovascular deisease.

Vitamin C

It is obtained from papaya, red bell pepper, broccoli, tomatoes, citrus fruits, it is best obtained in raw food because cooking can destroy the antioxidants in them.

Vitamin C is also known as ascorbic acid and it is stored in water as it is water-soluble. It helps prevent cancers of stomach, lung and digestive system.

Beta Carotene

You get this antioxidant from fruits, grains, coloured vegetables, spinach and other greens.

It is also a fat-soluable carotenoid (giving colours to vegetables and fruits). The body turns it into retinol which helps in our eyesight. It is best when it is natural and not taken as a supplement.


Lycopene is best obtained from cooked and processed tomatoes. Heating tomatoes makes it easier for your body to absorb the lycopene. A bit of fat like olive oil further helps the body use the nutrient well.

They help protect against prostate, lung and breast cancer.


It is plentiful in grains, onion, garlic, nuts, soybeans, seafood, meat and liver.

They help in maintaining the thyroid and protects against cancer, especially of the lung, colon and prostate. Too much of selenium causes hair and nail loss and cirrhosis of the liver.


Our body gets flavanoids from green tea, grapes, red wine, apples, chocolate and berries. Flavanoids are plenty in fruits and vegetables. Every plant has a different flavanoid.

Flavanoids provide protection against heart disease, cancer, arthritis, aging, cataracts, memory loss, stroke, inflammation and infection.

Omega 3 & 6 Fatty Acids

Omega 3 comes from salmon, tuna, sardine, flax seeds and walnuts whereas Omega 6 comes from vegetable oils, nuts and poultry.

Omega 6 is required about four times to Omega 3 to obtain the balance. They help stop inflammation.

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You may be suffering from diabetes, hypertension or other ailments which can lead to heart complications. There may be several subtle problems and changes that can lead to some sort of heart ailment, yet you may be unaware of it.

Here are a few health problems/signs that you may indicate a heart problem.


Feeling short of breath is not all that normal it could be the result of a heart problem. When you feel breathless on doin a normal task which you used to do with ease then it could be due to heart failure, rhythm problem or heart attack. You  should consult your doctor at once.


A feeling of lightheadedness can be a result of some sort of heart problem because the heart is not pumping enough blood to the brain. Dizziness can also be a sign of abnormal heart rhythm and it is called arrhythmia. The weakening of the heart muscles or heart failure can also make a person unsteady. Feeling dizzy is an often ignored symptom of a heart attack.


When you are snoring and it is broken up by pauses inbetween for breathing, then your brain may not be getting enough oxygen. The lack of oxygen will send signals to your blood vessels and the heart to work still harder to keep blood flowing in a normal way. This will put more strain on your blood vessels and heart and raise the risk of a higher blood pressure, abnormal heart rhythms, strokes and heart failure.


Studies suggest that bleeding, swollen or tender gums may be a sign of trouble with your heart. The bacteria from your gums gets ito your bloodstream and sets off an inflammation of your heart. Gum disease that leads to tooth loss may raise the risk of a heart disease many times.


Thick dark spots develop in the skin folds, creases of your neck, armpits and groin when the body has trouble using insulin. The patches could also have skin  tags. This is an indication of uncontrolled blood sugar and it is dangerous for your heart, the immediate solution is to control high blood sugar.


When your body has high triglyceride levels it can make your skin break around the knuckles of your fingers and toes and on your bottom. The extra fat in your blood actually goes to harden your arteries. Ultimately this kind of condition increases your risk of developing heart disease, strokes and other heart conditions.


It is said that the strength of your hand can be an indication of the strength of your heart. Several research shows that your ability to squeeze something well can mean that you have a lower risk of heart disease. If you find it hard to grip something strongly or squeeze something well then the odds are higher that  you have some sort of heart problem or soon may develop one.


If you have hurt your fingers recently and it shows dark spots of blood trapped under the nails, then it could point to an infection of the heart’s lining or valves and is called endocarditis. The dark spots under the nails can develop even for those suffering from diabetes, and more often diabetics are more prone to develop some kind of a heart problem or suffer a stroke.


We all know that a change of skin colour is due to bad circulation. Blue or grey fingers and teos could be due to poor circulation of oxygen rich blood. This could happen due to congenital heart problem or due to narrowed or blocked blood vessel. The skin shows a lacy, mottled, purple pattern when bits of built-up cholesterol plaques break off and they get stuck in the blood vessels. You get bloody spots just under the skin, on the inside of your hands and soles of the feet when you have endocarditis.

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