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When you have too much stress, it can suppress your immune system and make you sick. Stress increases the risk of
• Sleeping issues
• Panic Attacks
• Chest Pains
• Muscle Tension
• Upset stomach, Nausea, and Acid Reflux
• Lack of Focus
• Hair Loss
• Lack of ENERGY
• Increased Heart Rate
• Adrenal Fatigue
• Depression
Follow the below steps to reduce your stress level
• Get regular exercise
• Listen to Music
• Meditate
• Take deep breathing exercise
• Learn to reduce your obligations
• Get good sleep

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Did you know that exercise not only strengthens your muscles but also your brain?

Slide 1 – TOPICS – Did you know that exercise not only strengthens your muscles but also your brain?
Slide 2 – Enhances chemical production that facilitates brain cell repair
Slide 3 – Improve Memory Retention
Slide 4 – Extend Attention span
Slide 5 – Enhances decision-making skills
Slide 6 – Stimulates the growth of new nerve cells and blood vessels
Slide 7 – Enhances multi-tasking and planning skills
Regular physical exercise can have a positive impact on both the body and the brain. It can enhance brain function and cognitive abilities. The following are some of the ways in which exercise can benefit the brain:
1. Increase in the production of chemicals that promote brain cell repair: Exercise stimulates the release of growth factors, such as brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF), which promote the growth and repair of brain cells.
2. Improves memory: Studies have shown that exercise can enhance memory and learning by promoting the growth of new brain cells and improving communication between them.
3. Lengthens attention span: Regular exercise can improve attention span and focus. This is because exercise increases blood flow to the brain, providing it with the necessary oxygen and nutrients to function optimally.
4. Boost decision-making skills: Exercise has been shown to improve decision-making skills by enhancing cognitive flexibility (the ability to switch between tasks) and inhibitory control (the ability to suppress irrelevant information).
5. Promotes the growth of new nerve cells and blood vessels: Exercise promotes the growth of new nerve cells and blood vessels in the brain, which can help to improve brain function and reduce the risk of neurological disorders.
6. Improves multi-tasking and planning: Exercise has been shown to improve executive function, which includes skills such as planning, organization, and multitasking.
In conclusion, regular exercise can have numerous benefits for the brain, including improved memory, attention span, decision-making skills, and cognitive flexibility. So, get moving and give your brain the boost it deserves!


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Patient Care

Trust your health with Annai Arul Hospital for reliable and
compassionate patient care. Visit us today for a healthier tomorrow.

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Indications of Excessive Sugar Intake

Indications of Excessive Sugar Intake
You Gain Weight or Encounter Difficulty in Losing Weight
You Encounter Digestive Problems
Irritability, Moodiness, or Depression
You Face Sleeping Problems
You Encounter Dental Cavities and Poor Oral Health
Experience Skin Eruptions or Early Aging
You Crave More Sugary Foods (Mainly After Dinner)
You Have High Blood Pressure

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Are you experiencing a urine control problem?

1. Talk to your doctor: The first step in managing urinary incontinence is to schedule an appointment with your doctor. They can assess your symptoms, rule out any underlying medical conditions, and recommend treatment options.
2. Practice pelvic floor exercises: Pelvic floor exercises, also known as Kegels, can help strengthen the muscles that control bladder function. Your doctor or a physical therapist can teach you how to perform these exercises correctly.
3. Make lifestyle changes: Making certain lifestyle changes can help manage urinary incontinence. These may include reducing your intake of caffeine and alcohol, losing weight if you are overweight, and quitting smoking.
4. Use absorbent products: There are a variety of absorbent products available, such as pads, diapers, and protective underwear that can help manage urine leaks.
5. Consider medications: Your doctor may recommend medications to help manage urinary incontinence. It’s important to remember that urinary incontinence is a common issue and there are treatment options available. Don’t hesitate to talk to your doctor and explore the options that are right for you.

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