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Today almost all the jobs be it IT, corporate, government offices or hospitals require the staff to work continuously in front of the system for hours together. This can put lot of strain on your eyes which are not exactly made for such strain.

Eye problem caused by continuous staring at computer screens is known as Computer Vision Syndrome (CVS). The classification is very general and it is not one specific problem. It is a whole range of problems including eye strain and pain. A large number of people working on computer screen have at least a few symptoms of eye strain.

If you think the problem is specific to adults who work on the computer, you are wrong because the number of kids with problems due to working on computer is increasing day by day. Kids use computers, tablets and even spend lot of time on mobile screens putting their eyes to lot of effort. They have issues with eyes and well as physically because most of the time they work in low light and adapt bad posture while doing their work.

What is CVS?

CVS is a problem that is similar to carpal tunnel syndrome and other injuries to the eyes due to repetitive work. It happens when the eyes follow the same pattern of movement over and over for long hours. It gets bad as more and more time is spent with the same problem being present.

Usually computer work gets difficult as you age and the lenses get less and less flexible. For those around 40 years, the ability to focus on near and far objects slowly diminishes. This is called as Presbyopia and this can be corrected with exercise and use of lenses.

What are the symptoms of CVS?

Though it has not been proved that long term computer use damages the eye, it is observed the CVS is an existing problem.

Some of the symptoms are:

  • Blurred vision
  • Double vision
  • Eye irritation
  • Dry eyes
  • Redness in the eyes
  • Headaches
  • Neck and back pain

The CVS problem not only affects your eyes but other parts of the body as well especially the face, head and neck. Finally all the pain and discomfort will affect the productivity in your work.

How to manage CVS?

It only takes a few subtle changes to your workspace and personal habits to control CVS and prevent it from getting worse.

Stop the Glare: The computer glare is what can harm your eyes. It is the glare that falls on the computer screen from the overhead light fixtures in an office, an open window that casts the glare on the screen or a desk lamp that is quite harsh. You can move the desk to cut out the glare, ask the management to provider a dimmer for the overhead light or use a desk lamp to cast an even light on the desk.

Position Your Monitor: A monitor placed slightly below the eye level is ideal and it should be 25-28 inches from your face. The idea is that you don’t have to stretch your neck or strain your eyes while working on the computer.

Break from Monotony: The best recommendation is to use 20-20-20 rule. Look at the screen for 20 minutes, and then look away at something 20 metres away for another 20 seconds, then back to the screen.

Rest your Screen: Don’t settle for the preset screen and make adjustments to it that will make working on it much more comfortable for your eyes. Adjust the brightness, the contrast and the font size according to your liking. This will go a long way in making your eyes feel strain free thus stopping CVS in its tracks.

Last but not the least visit your doctor for eye check-up regularly and follow the prescription and suggestions closely.

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