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World No Tobacco Day

This #WorldNoTobaccoDay, Choose Life. Ditch the Smoke.

Every year, millions of lives are lost to tobacco use. It’s the leading cause of preventable death worldwide.  This World No Tobacco Day, let’s commit to a healthier future.

Quitting tobacco isn’t easy, but it’s the most important decision you can make for your health.  It reduces your risk of cancer, heart disease, lung disease, and more.

Annai Arul Hospital Stands With You!

We offer a variety of resources and support programs to help you quit smoking for good.  From smoking cessation counseling to medication-assisted treatment, we’ll be there every step of the way.

Here’s How We Can Help:

Develop a personalized quit plan.

Address withdrawal symptoms.

Provide ongoing support and encouragement.

Don’t let tobacco control your life.  Take back your health and breathe easy!




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