Bones give the structure to our body and they are strong too, but they have their limits of strength and sometimes get fractured. It can be sports injury or an accidental fall. Diseases like cancer and osteoporosis also causes fractures as these diseases lead to weaker bones which are more fragile than normal. Fracture depends on the force of impact, age and general health of the person who suffers from it.
What are the kinds of bone fractures?
Bone breaking is also known as fractures and depending on their nature they are classified into various kinds of fractures.
Closed and Open Fracture, closed Fracture are simple fracture that don’t break through the skin, whereas open or compound ones break through the skin and cause bleeding.
Partial and complete Fracture, partial Fracture don’t go completely through the both sides of bone but complete Fracture the bone breaks into two. where if the bone still lines up it is non-displaced fracture but if does not align then it is called displaced Fracture.
What are the types of fractures?
There are many types and values for that based on the position and resultant break in the bone commonly used term are as below:
Stress Fracture: This is also called a hairline fracture since only a very thin crack occurs in the affected bone due to stress commonly seen in tibia (leg Bone) metatarsal (foot Bone) the stress may be due to the activities like (marching) or due to the bone morphology.
Green stick Fracture:This is when the bone breaks on one side but just bends on the other side seen in children.
Comminuted Fracture: When the bone breaks into 3 or more pieces it is called comminuted fracture.
Know symptoms of bone fractures?
The area around the fracture may show certain signs like bruising, stiffness and swelling. Mostly the area will be warm and generally you’ll feel it to be weak. First you’ll have difficulty in using that part of the body and you may see the bone having a bent which is visible through the skin.
Body’s own bone repair
The body’s bone repair begins within hours of an injury and the first signs are a swelling around the fracture and the blood clot forming around the fracture. The swelling happens because the body has healing mechanism which kicks in immediately following injury through set of chemical mediators. Time of healing depends on age, bone and general nutritional status.
How to treat bone fractures?
Treatment for bone fracture is usually in 3 stages. First get the bone line up in proper place. Second give it cast to prevent it moving out of place until healed. Third is managing the pain. But for more complex or severe fracture surgery will be required. After surgery rehabilitation and physiotherapy is given.