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There is a misconception that heart failure means like any other machinery a complete breakdown and stopping of your heart. Whereas heart failure means your heart is not working as well as it should. Heart failure occurs when the heart muscles get weaker and are unable to pump enough blood and oxygen to your body. The heart is so versatile that it will try to compensate for a while but finally shows signs of its failure and you’ll have to rush for medical assistance which may sometimes be too late.


The heart functions constantly day and night and throughout your life, naturally after many years of tireless work the heart tends to slow down as you age. But if the same slowing down occurs at a age when it is not supposed to happen then it is a cause for serious worry. The causes that can bring about this condition include blood pressure, coronary artery disease, heart attack, birth defect of heart, blood sugar or a disease that debilitates the blood-pumping muscle. Lung disease can also lead to heart failure along with obesity, diabetes and sleep apnea.



Shortness of breath on doing some activity is the first sign of something wrong. It can also happen when you are at rest and this happens usually when heart failure has worsened. Shortness of breath occurs when we are lying down or sleeping, because the heart is not able to keep up the blood flow back towards it from the lungs. When this happens there is a possibility of fluids leaking into the lungs making it harder to breath.


When the heart is not pumping at its best the brain takes the blood it needs from less important areas of the body like the muscles in the limbs. The same is done by other vital organs to keep them functioning. This makes the arms and legs to feel weak. You will have symptoms of tiredness and listlessness. Everyday things like climbing stairs or walking across a hallway will become tedious. You may also feel light-headed and sleepy.


Another sign of weak heart is the constant cough and wheezing problem you may experience. This is because of the blood returning to the heart from the lungs is backing up and fluids get into the lungs. At times the cough may bring out white or pinkish mucus. Consult your doctor immediately on observing such symptoms.


Many times you must have observed feet swelling and feeling a bit overweight but this goes away. If you have persistent feet swelling and you measure and see that you have quickly gained weight then it needs further observation. The fluids can back up into body tissues due to a weak heart and cause this or the kidney with less of blood to work with may not be able to get rid of sodium causing more fluids to stay in the tissues. These are dangerous symptoms and you need medical help immediately.


You may feel like throwing up or you just feel all filled up and have no appetite. This happens because the digestive system is not getting enough of blood and oxygen to function at its normal best.


When the heart is not functioning properly the body has certain mechanism to correct this including  adding muscle to the heart, expanding the heart so that it can stretch and snap back or by making the heart beat faster.

To prevent heart failures the best way is to control the diet, lose weight and exercise properly. If you are in the habit of smoking then first thing is to quit smoking. On consul ting your doctor if required you may be given medicines to prevent further damage to your heart and ensure its proper functioning.

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There would be hardly anyone right from a small child to an aged person who has not got a bruise in their lifetime. We all get bruise from time to time. While walking you trip and fall, the door jams on your hand or you hit a hammer on your finger instead of the nail on the wall etc. Most of the time the bruise will cure by itself and you need not worry about anything, but if it does not go away then you need to give it some attention.

How does it happen?

The flat and purple coloured bruise happens when the blood leaks into the top layers of the skin. A ‘black eye’ is an example of this type of bruise. A hematoma happens when clotted blood forms lumps under the skin. When this happens the area gets swollen, raised and painful. A bruise on your head is an example of hematoma. Hematoma is different from haemorrhage that is heavy bleeding inside or outside the body.

Bruise Colours

When you get a bruise it may be black or dark red but as you heal the bruise changes colours. This is because an iron rich substance in the blood called haemoglobin breaks into other compounds. It is usually red right after injury and turns purplish or black and blue within a day or two. In another 5-10 days it may be green or yellow and by 10 to 14 days turn yellowish brown or light brown. The bruise should normally totally fade away in about 2 week’s time.

What to do on getting bruised?

On you getting bruised or someone getting a bruise immediately apply some ice pack or ice cubes to the area. The cold helps in controlling the swelling and help in shrinking the size of the black-and-blue mark. It slows the blood flow to the area, so less of it ends up leaking into the tissues. When you get a sudden bruise, take a bag of frozen veggies or fill a plastic bag with ice, wrap it in a towel and gently put it on the injured area. Leave the pack on for 15 to 20 minutes, then take it off for 30 minutes repeat the process, this will provide much relief from pain and help control the bruise.

Bruise on the limb

If you have banged your shin against some object and you are bruised then immediately keep your injured limp raised above your heart level if possible. This will keep the blood from pooling and help with the swelling by preventing it from getting larger. After a couple of days slowly use a heating pad or warm cloth to put some heat on it. Take an OTC painkiller

When to consult a doctor?

When after few hours you feel too much pain and moving your limb or arm can be difficult, while the bruise gets bigger and bigger then you need to meet a doctor. If the bruise is around the eyes and there is difficult in seeing or as days progress the swelling gets bigger. When you get a bump on your head or belly and the bruise is swelling you should consult a medical expert.

Bruise due to health issues

Sometimes bruise like marking appear on the skin due to various medical condition. These conditions can be bleeding disorders, liver disease and skin disorders.

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Many of us are not aware that liver is an organ that is responsible for the overall maintenance of the human body. The liver is an important organ that filters toxins out of the blood, stores energy for later use, helps with digestion, and makes substances that fight infections and control bleeding.

It is rather surprising that although the liver is such an important part of our daily health and well being, it is often overlooked when it comes to proper care and attention. There are so many ailments that can befall the liver. The main reason for damage of liver is attributed to alcoholism, but bad food habits, sedentary lifestyles and cholesterol accumulation in the liver is equally risky. Liver is also susceptible to infections like Hepatitis B virus infection.

Hepatitis B infection causes liver damage and is today one of the most challenging reasons for liver damage.

What is Hepatitis B?

Hepatitis B is an infectious Hepatitis cause by the Hepatitis B virus (HBV). All most all adults who get infected are affected for a short time and then get better. This is called the acute hepatitis B infection. Sometimes the virus causes a long-term infection and then it is called the chronic infection. Such infections can over sometime cause severe liver damage. It is seen that babies and young children are more prone to get chronic hepatitis B. Many a time the symptoms of hepatitis B infection are not easily detected and if you feel the symptoms then they are like a mild flu.

How is the virus transmitted?
Hepatitis B is a blood-borne virus and it is transmitted from one person to others mainly through blood or fluids contaminated with blood. Yet another important route of transmission is from the infected mother to a newborn child, occurring during or shortly after birth. Contact with blood between persons happen through the use of needles among drug abusers. The virus can also be transmitted through sexual contact with infected person. The transmission occurs when the body fluids come in contact with broken skin or mucous membrane in the mouth, genital organs or rectum of the infected person.

The symptoms of Hepatitis B

The symptoms of Hepatitis B are not always well manifested instead you’ll feel that you run a mild flu. Some other symptoms include feeling tired always, mild fever, and headache, loss of appetite, vomiting, stomach ache, dark urine, tan colour stools, yellowish eyes and skin (jaundice) which usually appears after other symptoms have subsided. People with chronic Hepatitis may not show any symptoms at all.

Diagnosis and treatment

Usually a simple blood test for Hepatitis B is done to detect the infection. From the result of the blood test the doctor will be able to clearly tell whether you have the Hepatitis B virus or if you had it in the past. If the doctor suspects that there is some sort of liver damage that has happened then a liver biopsy is undertaken. From the blood test the doctor will also be able to tell you if you have had any vaccination to prevent the virus.
As far as treatment is concerned Hepatitis B virus infection usually goes away on its own. Most of the symptoms of Hepatitis B infection can be treated at home with plenty of rest, healthy foods, good hydration and an absolute no to alcohol and drugs. Chronic Hepatitis B infection can be treated with Antiviral if required. In patients with Hepatitis B related Cirrhosis Liver with decompensation may require Liver Transplantation.

Prevention is in your hands
Hepatitis B vaccine is the best option to prevent the infection. The vaccine is administered in a series of 3. Adults, children, babies and teenagers should all be vaccinated for Hepatitis B to prevent its onset and spread. Other steps involve not sharing common needles, using sterilized gloves to handle infected persons, not sharing razors or toothbrushes, avoid body tattooing if you feel the needles are not properly cleaned. Definitely use condoms during sexual contact and ensure your safety at all times.

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Ulcerative Colitis is a inflammatory bowel disease that causes chronic inflammation of the cells that line the rectum and the colon (large intestine). The result is formation of ulcers, which can bleed profusely and upset the digestion process. Lifestyle adaptation and medication can control the inflammation and the effects of Ulcerative Colitis.


Stomach Pain & Diarrhoea

The first sign of Ulcerative Colitis is the stomach pain you get along with bloody diarrhoea. These symptoms may be irregular of persistent and very severe.

Sudden Weight Loss

Chronic inflammation of the alimentary canal leads to loss of appetite, weight loss, nausea and cessation from normal growth for children.

Other Warning Signs

Sometimes Ulcerative Colitis exhibits symptoms outside the alimentary canal. These symptoms include skin sores, joint pain, anaemia, fatigue and frequent fatigue are some other symptoms of UC.


More and more Indians are now diagnosed with Ulcerative Colitis. This can be attributed to their food habits and inability to be active. Ulcerative Colitis is more common between the age of 15 to 25 years. UC can be also hereditary.

Causes for Ulcerative Cancer

Ulcerative Colitis is still a mystery as far as any specific cause is found out. It is though suspected that it is an immune system. What happens is that the inflammation in the alimentary canal prevents the good bacteria in the Intestine to react differently. Gene mutation may contribute. Yet another cause is stress or diet that can bring about UC.

Urgent Care for UC

Ulcerative Colitis can sometimes get serious and usher you into a hospital. The condition can be due to a bleeding ulcer, uncontrolled diarrhoea and dehydration. The first thing a doctor will do is to prevent the loss of blood or fluids. If you get a tear in the colon then you will have to visit the doctor and undergo a surgery.

Effects of UC

Ulcerative Colitis hikes the risk of colon cancer especially when the entire colon is affected for long periods of time. Medical attention on priority is needed to put the UC into remission and lower the risk of cancer. Colonoscopy can detect colon cancer at an early stage.

How to Control UC?

Modern medicine has many drugs that can help get the inflammation out of the body and help with recovering the power of the alimentary system. Anti-inflammatory medicines are prescribed by doctors or use of biologic therapy which is the latest treatment for high risk Ulcerative colitis. If everything fails then the final treatment is surgery.

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Diabetic patients should always be aware of the many effects it causes on human body. One such affliction is the skin disease that diabetes mellitus causes rampantly. When a diabetic patient discovers abnormality on the skin it is better to consult a doctor and start a treatment otherwise it will be very difficult to cure later. In most cases skin disease in diabetes can be managed by early diagnosis and treatment.

Some of the more widespread skin diseases in diabetic patients are discussed here.


This is a skin condition that affects those people with type 1 Diabetes than type 2 Diabetes. With Vitiligo the pigments that make skin color get destroyed or the special pigment cells in the body are destroyed. These leaves patches of depigmented skin lesion. Vitiligo affects the whole body including chest, abdomen, face, around the mouth, and eyelids. Topical steroids and micro-pigmentation or tattooing the discoloured area are the treatment.

Diabetic Dermopathy

This is also called as shin spots. The skin condition develops due to the changes in the blood vessels that supply the skin. The dermopathy appears as shiny round or oval lesions of thin skin over the front lower parts of the lower legs. The patches do not hurt but rarely they can be itchy and cause burning. Usually medical treatment is not necessary.

Digital Sclerosis

Digital sclerosis is a condition in which the skin on the toes, fingers and hands become thick and waxy. There can be a certain stiffness of the finger joints also. The only treatment is to get the sugar levels back under control. Lotions and creams can help soften the skin.

Diabetic blisters

In some rare cases, people with diabetes may develop blisters on the skin that resembles burn blisters. The blisters are commonly seen on the fingers, hands, toes, feet, legs or forearms. Diabetic blisters are generally painless and heal on their own. This skin problem occurs in people who have uncontrolled diabetes and diabetic neuropathy.

Bacterial & Fungal Infections

Patients with diabetes are prone to bacterial and fungal infection of the skin because bacteria and fungi feed on sugar. Bacteria like Staphylococcus are more common and serious in patients with uncontrolled diabetes. The bacterial infection can result in boils at hair follicles. Other infections like styes which occur in the eyelids and nail infection are common. The rampant fungal infection occurs mostly in the toes and in-between toes with itchy rashes. The common fungal infections are jock itch (on genitals and crevices) athlete’s foot (inbetween toes) and ring worm.

How to control diabetic skin Infection?

High blood sugar makes the immune cells slow and sluggish, that is why it is harder to fight an infection once it takes hold. Prevention is important in skin care. Check the skin daily for injury, cuts or scrapes. Eating healthy food alone can’t cure skin problems; keeping blood sugar under control is the best option. Avoid extreme temperatures when you have diabetes. Diabetes can cause nerve damage called neuropathy, where you can lose the feeling in your hands and feet and may not realize pain when you are hurt. Frequent foot soaks may be recommended for calluses and dry skin but when you soak and don’t dry properly it causes infection between toes and on the nails due to fungal attack. Never cut calluses by yourself. Sometimes a skin problem is the first sign of diabetes.

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