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Fainting is not something that happens to you and you recover after that. There can be serious problems like fracture to bones in the body when you have a fall, drowning, accidents and many other things.

There are several reasons for fainting including dehydration, diabetes, low BP and medicines. Let us examine few of the reasons in detail.


When you don’t drink enough of water or when you lose too much of fluid your body gets dehydrated. The result is that the blood pressure drops, the nervous system can’t control anything and the result is that you faint.

Hence it is very important to drink plenty of water, especially when the temperature is high outside. One sign of dehydration is dark yellow  urine and you may drink more water to be on the safer side.

Irregular Rhythm

Arrhytmhmia means the heart has an irregular beat. When this happens the blood that flows to the brain sometimes slows and results in fainting. It is the first symptom of an irregular heartbeat. It can lead to serious heart problems later.

Breath Holding

Kids when they cry hard sometimes hold their breath and cut off oxygen, this triggers and automatic response which make them faint. They turn blue, pass out and then later seem groggy. But this is normal and nothing to worry about.

Low Blood Sugar

Low blood sugar is hypoglycaemia; it can make a person dizzy, shaky, tired and confused. You can reverse the condition by taking a sip of juice or having a candy. If not then it can lead to fainting. A medicine called glucagon is carried by people who are hypoglycaemic and it releases more sugar into the blood.


High diabetes can damage the nerves that keep the blood pressure under control. This causes low blood pressure which causes dizziness and fainting.


Some medicines used for high blood pressure, antidepressants and insulin used for diabetes can cause low blood pressure and this will give rise to fainting. Sometimes medicines and illness together can be too much for older people and they may pass out.


People suffering from seizures can cause unconsciousness for minutes together and this be preceded by eyes rolling back and jerking movements of the whole body.

Emotional Shock

In some people the body reacts when it sees blood, sudden emotional scenes or due to fear or injury. What happens is the blood flow slows and blood starts accumulating in the legs and away from the brain. You may feel cold, pale and nauseated and then faint.

Other causes for fainting includes intense coughing, hyperventilation, too much alcohol drinking or even wearing clothes that choke you around the collar.

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Are you wondering what is the rash, welt or bump on your child’s skin? It could be a skin problem for your child. Heat, cold, sickness and allergies can cause skin changes in children. Many of these are not serious and can be easily treated. By the look of it you can tell what kind of skin problem is troubling your child, but it is always better to consult your child’s doctor.


It is not worms that cause ringworm infection, and the skin need not be itchy. Ringworm is caused by a fungus that lives off dead skin, hair and nail tissues. It starts as a red, scaly patch or bump. Then there come an itchy red ring, the ring is usually raised, blistery or scaly. The infection is passed on from skin-to-skin contact. Kids get it by sharing things like towels and sports gear. It can be treated with antifungal creams.


Once upon a time this was a common rash but today due to vaccination children are not greatly affected. It’s very contagious, spreads easily and leaves an itchy rash and red blisters all over the body. This happens through stages; first they blister, burst, dry and crust over. If left unattended they can become serious. Vaccination is the universal solution for children as well as young adults.


It is caused by bacteria and creates a red sore or blisters. The sore can break open, ooze and develop a yellow brown crust. It may be localized or seen all over the body, mostly around the mouth and nose. Impetigo spreads through sharing clothes, towels and toys. An antibiotic ointment is used along with oral antibiotics to control the infection.


Fungal infection causes the mostly harmless, painless skin growths called warts. It can spread easily from person to person. They also spread when you accidentally come in contact with an object used by an infected person. Warts develop mostly on the fingers and hands. Most warts go away on their own but some may be removal.

Heat Rash

Heat rash is mainly caused by blocked sweat ducts. They occur as small red or pink pimples. It is seen on the head, neck, shoulders and chest in kids. In babies these rashes happen when parents dress them in too warm clothing. But usually heat rash occurs in children during summer months.

Contact Dermatitis

Many kids have skin that reacts after coming in contact with certain foods, soaps, plants and other substances. The rash is usually seen after 48 hours only and in minor cases may appear as mild redness on the skin or small red bumps. In severe cases there may be swelling, redness and larger blisters. This rash usually disappears in a week or two and can be treated with anti-inflammatory cream.


Children are prone to get eczema if they already have other allergies or asthma. The exact cause though is not clear. The only thing clear is that, such kids have sensitive immune system. The sign is a raised rash with dry skin and intense itching. Atopic dermatitis is the most common type of eczema. As they grow older fewer and fewer children seem to get eczema.


Hives is an itchy and burning welt on the skin, which can be caused due to innumerable reasons. It can be due to medicines like aspirin or penicillin or foods like eggs, nuts, shellfish, and other food additives. Heat, cold and throat injection can also trigger hives. Welts show up anywhere on the body and last for few minutes or days. Medical help should be sought if the hives does not go away on its own or if the child is suffering from breathing troubles, swelling of face etc.

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Our stomachs produce acids and when the stomach acids flow the wrong way, that is back into the oesophagus it is called acid reflux. Most of us occasionally get acid reflux but it goes away without any harm but if it happens often and doesn’t get better, it’s called gastro-esophageal reflux disease (GERD). The symptoms for GERD include chest pain, cough, trouble swallowing, especially while lying down. There is also an influx of food particles and sour liquid into our mouth.


What you eat daily can have a big effect on GERD. Foods like chocolate, onions, acidic foods and red meat are prone to induce GERD. Other food may help or at least not make it worse.


Foods like chicken breast help in warding off GERD. Lean and packed with protein, chicken breasts are pretty easy to digest. Remember to take off the skin and bake or sauté the chicken to eat.


Water is the best beverage ever if you are suffering from acid reflux. Avoid using sugary drinks, alcohol and acidic juices which can irritate the system and cause problem. Carbonated drinks add to the gas and make one burp, this makes things still worse.


Ginger helps in calming an upset stomach. Ginger tea since it has no caffeine can bring some solace. You can also chew on some dried ginger and better if it doesn’t have lots of sugar.


It is a low-acid fruit that will not trigger any symptoms. Nothing can beat a wedge of ripe watermelon on a hot summer day; it cools the body, the stomach and brings down the possibility of a acid reflux.


Brown rice is a complex carbohydrate, which means it will take longer to digest than simple carbs like white rice, pastries or sugar drinks. It is therefore better for reflux problems and the extra fibre in it helps better digestion when compared to regular rice.


Research suggest that foods high in fibre particularly soluble fibre can help reduce GERD. Soluble fibre in oats reduce the symptoms and can be included in daily diet.


Like carrots, turnips etc. potatoes are also root vegetables that are good. They are full of healthy complex carbohydrates and digestibile fibre. Take care not to cook them with onions, garlic etc. since the acidity in these vegetables will cause irritation and acid reflux.


Our body needs the right fats to work, but fatty foods can all make GERD worse. In the place of fatty foods a person can try olive oil to see what the result is.  A light touch of olive oil is enough as it contains loads of fat and calories.


Reflux causes onset of gas in the stomach, so try to skip foods that makes it worse like beans, and dried fruits. Instead switch to greens like lettuce or celery which are low in calories and easy on the stomach, they will not cause more gas.


A comprehensive GERD treatment plan must consider additional factors beyond basic dietary changes. For many people with digestive issues restoring balance to the bacterial flora in the intestines may benefit. Probiotics may reduce digestive issues by balancing the digestive system as a whole.

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There are many things that we do without realizing that any of them can lead to or trigger a sudden heart attack. Here are a few of the triggers that are to be watched for.

Lack of sleep

Lack of sleep will make you grumpy and tired on a regular basis but it can also raise the risk of a heart attack. In a study researchers found that people who usually slept fewer than 6 hours a night were twice as likely to get a heart attack as those who slept 6 to 8 hours. The reason is not clear but losing sleep can raise the blood pressure and lead to inflammation, neither of which is good for the heart.

Migraine headaches

People who have migraine headaches are observed to have a heart attack later in their life than those who have no headaches. Headaches that include auras, strange sights, sounds or feelings before the actual pain starts seem to be at more risk.

Cold weather

Severe chillness can shock the system. When you step out in cold winter months it can cause the arteries to narrow, making it harder for blood to reach the heart. Above this the heart has to work harder to keep the body warm. All these together along with any hard work you do could exert more strain on the heart and trigger a heart attack.

Air pollution

Heart attack is seen to occur when air pollution levels are well above normal. When breathe polluted air on a regular basis the arteries get clogged and this will lead to disruption of blood supply to the heart. Sitting in traffic is dangerous, since it not only subjects you to breathing in vehicle exhaust fumes but creates stress, both of which are harmful to the heart.

A heavy meal

It is better to think twice before a second or third helping, it can hurt more than a broader waistline.  When you consume large amounts of food in one sitting, it leads to higher levels of stress hormones norepinephrine in the body. This raises the blood pressure and heart rate and ofcourse trigger heart attacks. Very fatty meals can cause a jump in fats in the blood and lead to damage of blood vessels which is also dangerous to the heart.

Very strong emotions

Strong emotions are a human nature but when they get out of bounds they can be harmful. Anger, grief and stress are known triggers of heart problems but even too much of joyfulness and sudden spurts of happiness can lead to a heart attack as well.

A surprise birthday party, a lottery, a birth of a grandchild are some occasions that can lead to excess of joy and trigger heart attack.

Vigorous exercise

The efforts you take to get into shape is supposed to protect your heart in the long run. Sometimes doing too much of exercise could be also be dangerous to health. About 6% of heart attacks are triggered by extreme physical exertion. So exercise should be in moderation and not done when you are stressed or angry.

Apart from these asthma, flu, natural disasters, sex, sports, alcohol and coffee drinking in excess can trigger heart attack.

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CME on Fluid Therapy

On 10th Jan 2019 Annai Arul Hospital conducted a CME on Fluid Therapy . Dr. Mohammed Ishaq MD., FNB from Lyell McEwin Hospital, Adelaide (Australia) presented the topic of “Physiology and rationale of fluid loading in ICU setting” followed by a healthy discussion about the fluid therapy. Dr. Venkatesh MD.,DNB, Consultant Nephrologist at Annai Arul Hopsital presented about the “Therapeutic Considerations in Volume management in chronic sub normal GFR states” .Practitioners and consultants participated in the programme.

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