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At year 1 your baby is just learning to eat on his/her own. They can chew the food as well as you can, which means they can eat the same foods as the rest of the family. Solid food including healthy snacks are your child’s source of energy and nutrition.

You can still continue breastfeeding the baby as much as the child wants. Take care to avoid giving the baby junk foods and soft drinks.

Here is a look at the progression of diet for the baby till year 1.

Start solids at 6 months

This is the accepted period for introducing solid foods to the baby. Before innntroducing solids, its mandatory that your baby should be able to sit up (with support), turn the head away and chew the food. He should also have given up the reflex that makes him spit out anything that goes into the mouth.

Add to breast milk

Usually, babies will not eat a lot of solid foods right away. So we should think of solids as something we add to the baby’s diet. It will not be a replacement for breast milk though. We just introduce solids and not change the baby’s diet entirely or eliminate milk. The change should happen gradually.

Why start with rice cereal?

There is no rules as such that you should start your baby on a particular solid food. You can also avoid cereals completely. But, if you feel comfortable with cereals, then start on a single-grain, iron-fortified infant cereal with a neutral flavour. You can mix it with the formula or milk to get a running consistency. Then you can gradually thicken it, so the baby takes to it.

Start on fruits and vegetables

Your baby’s solids can include fruits, vegetables, grains and even pureed meats. Take care to introduce any of these one at a time. This is to observe how the baby reacts to the flavours and if it causes any allergies. The baby may not eat them at first, but keep trying. Use softened or pureed food and put enough on the spoon for the baby to swallow easily. Don’t try to force-feed when the baby refuses  to eat, take it slow and your baby will soon start eating solid food.

Cut out milk and honey

According to paediatricians, you should wait till your baby’s first birthday to offer cow’s milk. Since it can not compare to mother’s milk or have the nutritional value of some other formulas. Best not give honey too since it can cause botulism in babies whose immune system cannot fend it off.

Stop when baby stops

Your baby has a way of telling you when its done eating. The baby will swat at the spoon, turn the head away, zip its lips or spit the contents from its mouth, and finally the baby will cry too. Don’t try to force-feed since the baby knows when it’s full. Honouring their instincts will help the baby avoid overeating as they grow older.

Try some finger foods

At about 9 months, the baby will be able to reach for and pick-up small pieces of table food to eat. Some great finger foods for the baby include ripe banana pieces, cooked carrots, cottage cheese, cooked pasta, cereals and scrambled eggs. Avoid placing hard candy, chips, raw vegetables, dry fruits, hard cheese and sausages etc.   near the child.


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Today, it is much easier to find the right health solutions, brightening your teeth at home is one of the most popular ones. There are online products and guidelines to do all the brightening you need. The products include rinses, gels, chewing gums, toothpaste and strips.

Yet, if and when you decide to whiten your teeth at home it is always advisable to consult your dentist first especially if you have conditions like sensitive teeth, Restored teeth clearly, dark stains or lots of fillings or crowns.

First of all decide how much you are ready to spend and how much time you can spend for brightening your teeth.

Then you can try this:

Toothpaste: Whitening toothpaste are just like the mildly abrasive, fluoride toothpaste you might regularly use but with added polishing agents or chemicals to help remove stains on your teeth.

Mouthwashes and rinses: These products often contain mild hydrogen peroxide solution that helps to brighten the teeth. You can rinse with mouthwash and then brush your teeth with whitening toothpaste to get better results.

Whitening strips/gels: The strips and gels contain peroxide to bleach away the stains. You apply them right on your teeth with a brush or a thin strip. A full treatment may take 10 to 14 days. You have to apply the gel twice a day.

Bleaching systems: They are called a tray-based bleaching system. These use a mouth guard-like tray filled with peroxide-based bleaching solution to whiten the teeth. The tray is worn several hours a day for as long as a month. The tray is available in local drug stores.

After you get you teeth looking good, it is another task to keep them bright and white for long. Follow the tips to keep your teeth brighter.

Avoid food and drink that stain:

Anything that contains acids or tannins can dull the teeth. So, try to control your consumption of white and red wine, sports drinks, carbonated drinks, black tea, coffee, berries and other strongly coloured food. Some sauces and mixes like soy sauce, curry mix and tomato paste can also cause stains.

Avoid smoking

The nicotine in your cigarettes will leave strong stains on your teeth. Smoking also helps bacteria to grow on your gums and if they come to stay on your teeth for too long, they cause plaques and tartar (hardened plaques) which disfigure and discolour your teeth.

Brush you teeth regulary twice a day and immediately after having food or drink during the day. Keep your teeth bright and shiny for years with proper upkeep right at home.


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Frozen shoulder is also known as adhesive capsulitis. It is a condition that causes stiffness and pain in the shoulder joint. The symptoms typically begin very gradually, worsen over time and then get resolved within one to three years.

The risk of developing frozen shoulder increases if you are recovering from a medical condition or surgery that prevents you from moving your arm.

Even after treatment, frozen shoulder can recur in the same shoulder and sometimes in the opposite shoulder.


The symptoms develop over some time and mainly in three stages:

Freezing stage

It is when any movement of your shoulder causes pain and the range of motion for your shoulder becomes limited.

Frozen stage

The pain in the first stage starts to subside during this stage. But the shoulder gets stiffer and using it becomes more difficult.

Thawing stage

In this stage, the range of motion improves and you can move your shoulder with some ease.

The pain of a frozen shoulder may worsen at night and sometimes it will disturb your sleep.


To understand the causes, we should first look at the structure of a shoulder joint. The bones, ligaments and tendons that make the shoulder joint are encased in a capsule of connective tissue. Due to various reasons, this capsule may get thickened and tightens around the shoulder joint, restricting its movement.

Though doctors are not sure why this happens, it is more likely to happen in people who have chronic ailments like diabetes or those who were immobilized due to surgery or an arm fracture.


Certain factors increase your risk of getting frozen shoulder. People who are forty and over, especially women are more likely to have frozen shoulder. Those who have been immobilized due to rotator cuff injury, broken arm, stroke or surgeries are also prone to developed the condition. If you suffer from certain diseases like diabetes, hyperthyroidism, hypothyroidism, cardiovascular disease, tuberculosis and Parkinson’s disease are also at risk of developing frozen shoulder.


Treatment for frozen shoulder involves a range of exercises and at times corticosteroids are given. Sometimes doctors administer numbing medications which get injected into the joint capsule. In a small number of cases, arthroscopic surgery may be performed to loosen the joint capsule to enable it to move freely.


Frozen shoulder may be prevented especially if you are recovering from stroke or surgery by asking your doctor to guide you about exercises you can do to maintain the motion in your shoulder joint.


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Dandruff: What does an itchy scalp tell you?

Dandruff: What does an itchy scalp tell you?

Dandruff usually declares itself with the appearance of flakes. At the same time, itching will be present. So, does a scratchy scalp try to tell you something more? Let us see what does it indicate and how to treat it.

Symptoms of dandruff

Dandruff symptoms include flakes and   an itchy scaly scalp. The flakes are white and oily which accumulate in the hair and fall on to the shoulders when you comb your hair or move the hair. The symptoms get worse in winter months, especially when the air is dry.

The symptoms may occur due to various reasons including irritated and oily skin, not shampooing the hair for long causing the skin cells to accumulate and create flakes, due to the presence of yeast called malassezia that causes excess skin cell growth or due to the use of unsuitable personal care products which may cause dermatitis that make the scalp red and itchy.

Surprisingly, men are more prone to dandruff than women. People who more oil in the hair or those suffering from certain diseases are at higher risk. Symptoms also occur more frequently during puberty, but dandruff can develop at any age.

Steps to prevent scaly and itchy scalp

Check on your shampoo

Itchy scalp may be able to get some relief by using an OTC shampoo that are advertised as formulated to help control dandruff. But getting the right one may take some trial and error. If you are not sure, ask your doctor for a suggestion. You may need to use a special shampoo or medicated shampoo to match your hair and get your dandruff under control.


You know that a dry scalp always has a tendency to flake and itch, but usually, the flakes with dry skin are smaller and less oily. Once you restore moisture to the scalp, it can decrease the itchiness. For moisturizing, you may use coconut oil which also has antibacterial properties, making it the right natural choice for fighting dryness.

Maintain good hygiene

Regular shampooing can keep oils at bay, helping treat dandruff symptoms. You can also resist the urge to scratch your scalp. The itchiness is mainly caused due to the irritation from dandruff, but scratching will only lead to an increase in irritation.


Tackle your stress and relax

Stress is seen to scale up the dandruff attack in some individuals. Malassezia may not occur due to scalp, but it can thrive when your immune system is weak due to stress.  You can relax, take a restorative walk or practice yoga and find an escape from stressful events to prevent dandruff.

Consult your doctor

The best thing is that dandruff is one condition which can be effectively treated with OTC shampoos and certain lifestyle measures. When in doubt or when you are not able to control the flakes and itichiness, go ahead and meet your doctor. Your doctor will examine thoroughly and prescribe the right shampoo and medications.


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Hair is one distinguishing feature that adds value to the face of any woman. It is a part of her beauty and personality. The hair on her head is something that she can customize and experiment in endless ways.

This is not the same for hair at other places, which may not be very welcome. The hair on our body is something that nature has bestowed and at best we can do is remove it if not required. Above all, if this hair appears in unwanted places, it becomes a challenge.

Of all the places, if hair appears on the chin, then it causes considerable embarrassment. The chin is really a tricky place because, more often, you won’t notice it unless you strain your neck and push your head back. The chin hair is nothing abnormal because most of us get it at least once in our life.

What is Hirsutism?

Some stray chin hair may occasionally appear, which may be normal, but if the frequency and number of hair are more then, it is called Hirsutism. This is not a severe condition in any way, but it may be an indication of an underlying health condition. So, it is required to check it out.

There are many reasons for the appearance of chin hair and some of them are listed below.

The Gene

Chin hair may grow due to the influence of your genetic makeup. So the Hirsutism is mostly hereditary. If your grandmother, mother, or aunts had chin hair, likely, you will also get it. Surprisingly this is seen mainly in South Asia, the Mediterranean and the Middle East.

Hormonal Imbalances

Another reason for Hirsutism is associated with unusually higher levels of androgen or male hormones in some females.  Female bodies do produce some amount of male hormones, but the levels are low and so no male charesteristics surface. But sometimes higher amounts are produced, resulting in conditions like chin hair, deeper voice and smaller breasts in women.

Aging Process

After the stages of puberty and pregnancy, it is the menopause stage that affects women the most. Causing rare ups and down in the hormonal levels. Normally the amount of estrogen in the body decreases. It is during this period that more changes like chin hair appears.

PCOS Problems

PCO or Polycystic Ovary Syndrome which again occurs due to hormonal imbalance is another crucial reason for male characteristics to appear. The condition causes irregular periods, weight gain, fertility issues etc. due to cyst formation in the ovaries, which can lead to Hirsutism.

Cushing Syndrome

Excess amount of stress hormone cortisol causes considerable changes. The changes manifest through different organs and tissues and together it is called as Cushing syndrome. Chin hair growth is one such effect.


Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia is a birth-related deficiency of vital enzymes. These enzymes are needed for sex steroid secretion from the adrenal glands. The lack of these enzymes results in male hormone secretion, which causes the development of primary and secondary sexual charecteristics like chin hair.


Removing chin hair is the best option. It is done using a plucker, through waxing or by bleaching etc. Epilators and laser treatment are an advanced option. Hormonal imbalance can be tackled with lifestyle changes or in advanced cases through medical remedies.


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