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The world is in a search mode for that one vitamin that could build stronger bones, manage diabetes, multiple sclerosis, cancer, heart disease depression and even help lose weight. Scientists say that Vitamin D has the potential to do all this and more. Vitamin D is basically produced as a result of our skin’s reaction to sunlight and we get it from some food stuff or supplements. Let us now look at Vitamin D in particular and how its absence can affect us.

For Strong Bones

Right from infancy to old age Vitamin D is critical for strong and functional bones. This is so because Vitamin D helps the body absorb calcium from the food we eat. In aged and older adults a dose of Vitamin D with calcium helps to prevent fractures and osteoporosis. In children it helps in building strong bones, prevents rickets or bow legs, knock knees and weak bone syndrome.

Prevents Multiple Sclerosis

For those living in places far away from the sunny equator Multiple Sclerosis or MS is a constant threat. This is an autoimmune disorder and experts believe there is a direct link between sunlight, vitamin D levels and this disorder that damages the nerves. But still the clear cut answer has not been found for the link to happen.

Vitamin D and Diabetes

Many studies have proven that there is a link between Type 1 & 2 diabetes and vitamin D levels in the body. So boosting the vitamin D levels in the body could be the answer to control diabetes, but as of now there is no surety about the claim. Doctors have not yet started recommending vitamin D supplements for treatment of diabetes. Excessive body fat combined with lack of sufficient vitamin D may be the reason for diabetes.

Vitamin D against Depression

Research says that vitamin D has a prominent role in brain development which means lack of it could lead to depression and related mental disorders. But it is not proven that vitamin D supplements can help overcome depression. Your doctor should be consulted in case of depression and for further treatment.

How does sun provide vitamin D?

Normally we get our supply of vitamin D when the body is exposed to sunlight. We can get a fair amount of vitamin D in 5-10 minutes on a sunny day, but on a cloudy day with low light, some sunscreens and beauty lotions the sun may get blocked out. People with darker skin tone and older people will be unable to make enough vitamin D from short sun exposures. Those who don’t get enough of sun can also aim to eat food rich in vitamin D and also take some supplements.

Food and Vitamin D

Apart from the vitamin D supplements the normal food we eat can also supply our body’s requirement of vitamin D. Food such as fish including salmon, swordfish or mackerel provides healthy amounts of vitamin D. Small amounts of vitamin D occur in orange juice, milk, cheese, ice creams and cereals.

What are symptoms of Vitamin D deficiency?

When you have problem converting vitamin D from sunlight then it can lead to vitamin D deficiency. Mostly symptoms are not very clear to notice. Severe deficiency in adults results in soft bones known as osteomalacia. The symptoms include body pain and muscle weakness. In children depending on the severity of the deficiency, rickets may occur. There will be soft bones and skeletal problems.

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When there is a lack of blood supply to the heart, the heart muscle is deprived of the oxygen it needs. Without the oxygen the cells in the heart muscle get damaged or die off. This is what happens in a heart attack and the best thing to do is to restore the blood supply quickly. Seek medical assistance the instance you feel some discomfort or have symptoms of heart attack.

What causes heart attack?

When cholesterol and fatty substances build up they cause a plaque to develop on the blood vessel walls. This makes it difficult for the blood to flow in the blood vessels that take blood to the heart. The heart attack actually occurs when a piece of this plaque breaks and gets lodged in a smaller artery. A blood clot also forms around the broken plaque and together they block the passage of blood in the artery.

What are the symptoms?

The symptoms are usually pain, pressure and discomfort in the chest region. You may also feel shortness of breath, there may be profuse sweating and even faint or feel sick. The neck, jaw or shoulders may also hurt. There may be cold sweat and feel pain down their left arm.

Symptoms in women

Women usually feel back or neck pain, heartburn and shortness of breath. They have stomach trouble including upset stomach and even throw up. Feelings tired, light headed or dizzy are other symptoms in women who experience a heart attack. Women may suffer from flu like symptoms just couple of week prior to a heart attack.

What are the emergency steps?

When somebody suspects a heart attack then they should call for medical help immediately. A person is more likely to survive if they get treatment within 90 minutes of a heart attack. The patient can chew on an aspirin to prevent blood clot and if unconscious they may need a CPR.

What is the diagnosis for heart attack?

An EKG checks the heart’s electrical activity and helps doctors to know if the patient is having a heart attack. It can also show which of the artery has a clog or blockage. Blood tests that test for protein in the blood stream released by blood cells as they perish can be an indicator of a heart attack.

What is the treatment?

Since heart attack is a serious health emergency it is given priority in hospitals. The first task that a doctor wants to perform is getting the blood flowing back to your heart. The experts will administer drugs to dissolve the blood clots or a coronary angioplasty is done to open the blockage if any by flattening the plaque against the blood vessel wall. The doctors may even place a small stent or mesh tube in the blood vessel to keep it open.

Risk factors for heart attack

The chances of getting a heart attack is more as you age and men are more likely to suffer a heart attack than women. The genetic disposition or family history of heart attack is another serious factor. High blood pressure, cholesterol and diabetes are equally important risk factors. Stress, lack of exercise and depression are also risk factors. Smoking is another lifestyle habit that will cause heart attack.

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Department of Critical care conducted a CME

Department of Critical care conducted a CME on 8th Jan 2018 at Radisson Blu Hotel, Chennai. Dr. Mahendran MD., Head of the Critical Care Department – SIMS Vadapalani, was the Chairperson of the programme. Dr. Mohammed Ishaq MD., FNB from Lyell McEwin Hospital, Adelaide (Australia) presented the topic of “Nasal High flow therapy” followed by a healthy discussion about the Nasal high flow oxygen therapy. Dr. Dejan Varghese, MBBS, PGFICCM presented about the “Demography of critically sick patient in suburban area” and Dr.Varun DNB, FHIV provided a glimpse of the “Overview of critical care cases at Annai Arul Hospital. Around 60 practitioners and consultants participated in the programme.

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Christmas Day Celebration

Annai Arul Hospital celebrated Christmas day celebration from 14th Dec till 23rd Dec 2017. Games like Wrapping Christmas gift blindfolded, Finding Santa, etc, and competitions like crib decoration, cake baking, making Christmas tree from recycle material and Christmas carols were conducted for the employees.  Employees from every department participated in all the events and enjoyed the Christmas spirit. It was a joyful season of celebration for all Annai Arul employees.

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The first step to control your heart health is to control the cholesterol levels in your body. Cholestrol is also found in foods from animals like beef, poultry and full fat dairy products. In fact the body needs a fair amount of cholesterol to produce hormone, vitamin D and the bile acids for digesting fat. If the same cholesterol overshoots a certain limit then it leads to the development of health problems since they clog the blood vessels and interrupt the smooth flow of blood in all the vital organs including the heart. Over time the accumulation of high cholesterol leads to heart disease.

It is the liver that produces the necessary cholesterol and circulates it in the body through the bloodstream. The first step to control the production of cholesterol is through our diet. It is thus vital to avoid a diet rich in saturated and trans fats as this can trigger the liver to produce more cholesterol and increase the health risk.

Here are a few steps to improve the heart health.

It has been acknowledged that fruits and vegetables are prime source of nutrients and beneficial to the whole body. They are the key to healthy heart. The colours only make them more appetising when served on the plate.

Hold back your unhealthy eating habits, this can lead to serious heart health problems. Downsize each meal and make your plate lighter. You can infact think of using a smaller plate which can help you control your portion. A smaller plate also ensures that you avoid the tendency to eat more by feeling a need to clean your plate.

The ideal exercise plan would be to do it for 30 minutes on a 5 day per week schedule. This will reduce body weight, burn excess fat and increase the good cholesterol (HDL) while decreasing the bad cholesterol (LDL). There is no doubt a active life is essential for a healthy heart.

The recommendation is to replace all other cooking oils even extra virgin olive oil with the more simple Corn Oil. It is more effective in lowering cholesterol levels than olive oil. Corn oil has a neutral taste so it increases the flavour of foods.

When you take foods like oats and barley it increases the fibre content in the body and thus reduces the effects of bad cholesterol. It is suggested to increase the soluble fibre content in food by 5-10 grams each day.

Beef is a food that increases fat and subsequently bad cholesterol in the body. Comparitively the Omega 3 rich fatty fish helps lower the blood cholesterol level steadily and decreases the risk of cardiovascular diseases.

For ages nuts have been the food supplement for humans. The benefit of eating nuts are always manifold. One such benefit is the help it extends in controlling body weight and reducing the coronary heart disease. Nuts are known to be a great source of polyunsaturated and monounsaturated fats when they are consumed in moderation.

The best way to lose weight and be active is to catch the right amount of sleep everyday. Those who are sleep deprived show slowness in metabolism and they have difficulty in losing weight. Those with higher body weight have higher levels of cholesterol and are more at risk of developing heart disease.

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