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Hair loss is a common phenomenon, whether you are a man or a woman.  But in men, hair loss is more visible and prevalent than in women. There are several reasons for hair loss.

People lose their hair due to illness and medications like chemotherapy for treating cancer. Hair loss is also hereditary and you may inherit from your parents and grandparents. Hair thinning is basically because the hair gets brittle and becomes fine in texture, or you use too many harsh chemicals to wash or style your hair.

Here are a few hair care tips that can help in managing thinning hair and making it look more voluminous and healthy:

Try colouring the hair:

Overall your hair must be healthy, but you may have inherited hair loss, then you can try to add body and volume to hair by using a semipermanent colour. Ammonia or peroxide free hair colour will not damage your hair but make it look more appealing and mask the thinning. Coloured hair can get overprocessed and hence damage occurs, causing further hair loss. So care should be taken to seek professional help in colouring your hair.

Use voluminizing products

Most of the volume building products contain paraffin, which is not good for the hair. Paraffin can build up in your hair and start breaking its strands.

Seek professional help to chose a volumizing product that won’t weigh your hair dooown or damage it. Hair mousse should is applied to the root area for support. Then the root area is dried with a blow dryer and a brush is used to build up the   volume. In the end, a liiight finishing spray will help hold the hair in place.

Shampoo and condition regularly

Hair is one part of the body that needs constant care since it is overexposed to the elements. To protect your hair, it is best to use shampoo only when the hair is really dirty. Those with fine hair will have to do this more often. A good shampoo and an excellent conditioner can work wonders on fine hair.

Fix the style with care

Blow dryers are ok even for fine-hair, but be careful that high heat is not applied directly to the hair. Flat irons and curling irons can cause damage and extensive breakage. Curl relaxing products contain hefty dose of chemicals and are not recommended at all.

Waves and hair health

Permanent waves can give the hair volume to fine hair but not to dry or brittle hair. Even a wave should be a gentle body wave, which, unlike the tighter waves that damage hair, will only add to its looks. For permanent style, harsh chemicals are used and hence should be used occasionally or not at all for fine hair. It is again mandatory that you get it all done by a professional hairstylist.


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In humans, hair grows everywhere on the skin except on places like the palms of our hands and the soles of our feet, eyelids, belly buttons. In some places, the hair is so fine that it is not easily visible to the eyes.

Hair is made of a protein called keratin that is produced in hair follicles in the outer layer of the skin. As the follicles produce new hair, the old cells are pushed out through the surface of the skin at the rate of six inches per year. The hair you see only a string of dead keratin cells. The average human head has 100, 000 to 150,000 hairs and loses about 100 of them daily.

Each hair follicle has its own life cycle that is influenced by the age of the person, health condition, and many other factors.

What causes hair loss?

Scientists and researches are yet not certain what causes hair loss in humans. It is baffling why some hair follicles are programmed to have a shorter growth period than others. Though there are many identified factors that can influence hair loss:

Hormones: Hormones such as abnormal levels of androgens (male hormones produced both by men and women) can cause hair loss.

Genes: Genetic factors both in men and women may influence a person’s predisposition to male or female pattern baldness. It is usually inherited from their parents.

Stress, illness and childbirth: They are all causes that bring about temporary hair loss. Ringworm caused by a fungal infection also causes considerable hair loss.

Drugs or medications: Certain treatments using chemotherapy drugs, blood thinners, beta-adrenergic blockers used to control blood pressure and birth control pills can cause temporary hair loss.

Burns and injuries: Burn, injuries and even x-rays can cause temporary hair loss. In such cases, normal hair growth returns once the injury is healed. If the injury causes a scar, then the hair will never regrow in the area.

Autoimmune disease: Certain autoimmune disease will cause alopecia areata. It happens when the immune system revs up for no reason and affects the hair follicles. In most people with alopecia areata, the hair growth returns to normal. The hair though may be thinner and lighter in colour.

Cosmetics and beauty procedures: Some cosmetic products and their prolonged use can cause hair loss. Certain beauty procedures like shampooing too often, perms, bleaching, and dyeing hair can cause hair to become thin, weak and brittle. Tight braiding, using rollers, hot curlers, running hair picks through tight curls can also damage your hair. The procedures do not cause baldness and hair does return to its normal growth. But severe, repeated use can cause permanent damage which can lead to bald patches.

Medical conditions: Health issues like thyroid disease, lupus, diabetes, iron deficiency anemia, eating disorders and anemia can cause hair loss. Most time when the underlying condition is treated the patient recovers their hair growth.

Hair loss treatments

Mainly hair loss is treated with the following systems.

Minoxidil is a topically applied hair preparation provides modest hair growth to parts of the head where it has gone totally bald.

Hair transplantation is the relocation of plugs of skin from parts of the scalp containing active hair follicles to bald areas.

Corticosteroids are used to treat alopecia areata, an autoimmune disorder that causes hair to fall out in clumps, resolve spontaneously.

Lasers are sometimes incorporated in combing devices. These devices can be used at home or office and help stimulation new hair growth.

How to prevent hair loss?

Although hereditary balding cannot be prevented, you can protect your hair from damage and stop it from getting thinner.

The emphasis is on preventing tremendous stress on your hair at all times. Hairdryers, hot curlers, hair dyes, tight braids and hair straightening products and chemicals laden with cosmetics can cause hair to become dry, brittle and thinner.

If you remain careful of easing the stress on your hair, you are on your way to recovering your crowning glory.



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WHO and ICMR recommend that everyone, whether sick or healthy, should wear a face mask, especially where it is difficult to maintain social distancing. Wearing a face mask is all-important because

Coronavirus can spread from even asymptomatic people (those without symptoms) or those who had symptoms previously. A person is most contagious just before symptoms begin.

Here are a few pointers for buying a face-mask and using it.

How does a face-mask work?

If a person who is infected with COVID – 19 coughs, sneezes or talks, they send tiny droplets containing coronavirus into the air.

The face-mask helps cover your mouth and nose acting as a shield to block out the virus-filled droplets present in the air. This helps slow down the spread of COVID – 19.

Does the face-mask protect me?

A cloth face-mask will not block-out the coronavirus. The face-mask is, of course, an added layer of protection for you and the people around you when used along with regular hand washing and social distancing measures.

What are the types of face-masks available?

There are mainly two types of face-masks, one is for frontline health care workers and another one for non-healthcare workers or the common people.

Masks for healthcare workers

The N95 respirators and surgical masks are best suited and should be reserved exclusively for frontline health care workers and first responders. Since these masks are in short supply around the world, they should only go to doctors, nurses and other medical staff who need them most.

N95 respirator masks are those that fit tightly around the face. They can filter out 95% or more of the smallest particles in the air. Care should be taken to see that they fit just right for them to work properly.

Surgical masks are the usual blue and green coloured ones that fit loosely across your nose and mouth. These help shield against larger drops that come directly from the sick person’s cough or sneeze. They don’t filter out all germs and can’t block the tiniest of particles that carry coronavirus.

Masks for non-healthcare workers

Cloth masks are the best option for the general public and non-healthcare workers. Here are a few things to remember when buying handmade cloth masks.

You can always sew a piece of fabric into a face-masks or tie it around your face. It is best suggested to use at least two-layered cloth masks. You can even add a pocket in the front for putting in a filter. Copper wire or ribbon helps to fit the masks on the nose bridge.

You can also use dust masks available in hardware stores. Neoprene masks help stop the droplets and prevent infection. The other option is using a piece of cloth as a scarf wrapped around the face.

A comparison of face-masks

Earloops vs ties

Since you can adjust it, a mask that can be tied behind your head will usually fit well than the one that loops around your ears. But the ties can get tangled up in the wash or when you handle it whereas the loops remain free and easy to use. The looped ones are better in places like hair salons.

Filter vs Non-Filter

When there are a series of layers or folds, it prevents particles from escaping into the air and from entering the nose and mouthparts of a person. The negative aspect is that too many layers can make it difficult to breathe. Select and use a mask that is more comfortable and suited to you so that you keep using it. Check whether the filter material is safe.

Make a No-Sew Face=mask

First, choose a piece of cloth that is square in shape and measures 20 inches on each side. Fold it into half.

Fold the top third down and the bottom third up, so you have a long rectangle.

Slide the rectangle through two rubber bands or elastic hair ties until they’re about 6 inches apart. Tuck the ends together.

Hook elastic over your ears and adjust the fabric, so it fits snugly but it not too tight.

Face-mask materials & rankings

The extensive research has resulted in a proper ranking for the fabrics used:

  1. Tea towel in two layers
  2. Cotton mix fabric
  3. Cotton T-shirt material
  4. Antimicrobial pillowcase
  5. Scarfs
  6. Linen

A tea towel is thicker and so maybe too hard to breathe through in spite of its higher rank.

The best filter materials

Access is most important in times like this, so some household materials that can be used for the filter.

Paper products like coffee filters, paper towels and toilet papers. HEPA filters with multiple layers block small particles almost like N95 masks but have tiny fibres that can get into your nose and mouth. You can also cut up a polypropylene shopping bag, the one that has a fabric-like feel and use it between layers of the mask.

How to buy a face-mask?

When buying an ordinary cloth face mask, enquire whether it has been designed as per the sewing instructions of the health authorities of your region. Look whether the mask has more than one layer of fabric. Make sure you can freely breathe through the material.

Next look for the fit, whether it is comfortable and fits the face well, there should not be gaps around your nose, mouth and chin.

The mask should either have a tie or loops for wearing. It should be easily washable and consistent in its shape even after repeated washing.


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To properly diagnose schizophrenia, a person should exibit at least two of the following symptoms continuously for a month and also show some mental disturbance over a period of six months.

Some symptoms include:

  • Delusions (false believes a person won’t give up)
  • Hallucinations (hearing or seeing things that are not present)
  • Disorganized speech and behaviour
  • Coma like dazed situation
  • Hyperactive behaviour


How to get schizophrenia diagnosed?

First of all you should identify a primary care doctor or a psychiatrist. You can inform the doctor about the patient and what you have observed. Ask the doctor what steps should be taken especially if the patient is not interested in getting treatment.


The doctor will usually proceed for a psychological evaluation and a complete medical examination. The doctor will want to know the family history, how the person has been behaving lately and if they were ever hospitalized for any mental condition.


The doctor will closely examine the symptoms to rule out other conditions like bipolar disorder etc. and mostly reach a conclusion.


Tests for schizophrenia

The tests will start off with a urine and blood test to make sure that alcohol or drug abuse isn’t causing the symptoms.


Some other tests, including scans to get an image of the body and brain condition, will also be advised. These tests can be MRI scans or CT scan to help rule out problems like a brain tumour. Certain test to understand the person’s comprehensing capacity like cognitive tests, personality tests and open-ended tests like the inkblot test may also be done.


Getting the test done and having the patient diagnosed as early as possible will improve the chances of managing the illness. If proper care and medication is given, including psychotherapy, talk therapy etc. they will gradually improve and do better.


Treatment for schizophrenia

Antipsychotics medications:

The medications doctors mostly prescribe are called antipsychotics. These medications are sued for treating symptoms such as delusions and hallucinations. The medicines work on the chemicals in the brain, especially dopamine and serotonin.

The medications are prescribed for entire life, even if the symptoms get better. The medications are in the form of liquid, pills or injections.

If it is difficult to administer medicines every day or the patient is unable to remember taking the medicines as prescribed then you can opt to get regular injection done at the doctor’s clinic once or twice a month. These injections are long-acting injectable antipsychotic medication (LAI). It works just as well as a daily medication.

Support for schizophrenia

Unless there is a strong support system, the patient will find it difficult even to carry out a medication plan.

You can be the prime support and learn as much as you can about the condition through one-to-one discussion with your loved one’s doctor. You can also ask friends and family the patient knows to visit and surround the patient with care as and when possible.

When a schizophrenia patient starts a medication, the person will feel better right away. But it may really take 4   to 6 weeks to show any improvement in the occurrence of hallucinations and delusions.

Keep the doctor in the know about the effects of the medication and if its working to its potential. Many times it will take several tries before finding out the medication that works best for the patient.


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Constant friction and pressure can damage the skin on your limbs. Corns and calluses are thick, hardened layers of skin that develop to protect your skin against the friction and pressure. They either develop on the feet and toes or hands and fingers.

Though they are unsightly, you need to go for treatment only if the corns and calluses cause any sort of pain and discomfort. In some people simply avoiding the cause of friction and pressure will return the skin to normal. If a person has diabetes, then the causes of low blood flow to your feet can lead to complications. People with such problems should consult their doctor before self-medication.

What are the symptoms?

Symptoms of corns and calluses include development of a thick, rough area on the skin, a hardened raised bump, flaky, dry or waxy skin and tenderness in the area.

Difference between corns and calluses

Corns: Corns are small skin hardenings with a centre surrounded by inflamed skin. Corn can also develop in parts of the feet that don’t bear any weight. They can occur on tops, sides and between the toes. Corns get painful when pressed.

Calluses: Calluses are not generally painful and develop in the soles of your feet. Calluses are seen especially under the heels or balls or on your palms and knees. They vary in size and shape and often larger than corns.

Causes for corns and calluses

There are several reasons for the occurrence of corns and calluses. Wearing ill-fitting shoe cn compress areas of the feet. When footwear is loose, the foot may repeatedly slide and rub against the shoe; the foot may also rub against a seam or stitch   inside the shoe. Wearing shoes or sandals without socks can also cause friction of the feet.

Calluses occur when you play musical instruments or when you repeatedly use hand tools. Risk factor also includes foot deformities like hammer toes and certain bone spurs.

How to prevent corns and calluses

Take care to wear shoes that give plenty of room for your toes to wiggle about and confirm that your toes do not rub or pinch inside the shoe. Use protective coverings or pads in your footwear. It is also best to use padded gloves when using hand tools or cover your hands with tape to prevent it repeatedly have friction with the tool or instrument.


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