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Opening Hours : 24 x 7
  Contact : Emergency: +91 8939 59 9999


Infectious Diseases

Department Overview

The threat caused due to bacterial, viral, fungal, and parasitic infectious diseases is a matter of great concern. Knowing that these diseases are the leading cause for the high death rate worldwide, Annai Arul Hospital has taken immense concern and offers a range of clinical services to patients with bacterial, viral, fungal, and parasitic diseases through an inpatient / outpatient consultation service. The department aims to provide the highest quality care while helping patients manage their conditions.

Our specialists have expertise in treating infections of the sinuses, heart, brain, lungs, urinary tract, bowel, bones and pelvic organs. They also specialize in treating patients with infections due to human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), the cause of AIDS.

Infectious Disease Treatment and Services

  • We provide state-of-the-art care.
  • We protect public health from natural and man-made epidemics of infectious diseases.
  • We provide extensive training and education of medical personnel on various aspects of Infectious Diseases.
  • We offer both in-patient and out-patient clinical services.
  • We have expertise in general infectious diseases, tuberculosis, respiratory infections, HIV/AIDS, sexually transmissible infections, and travel related infections.
  • We are committed to developing new knowledge to benefit humankind in the understanding, prevention and treatment of infectious diseases.

The Department of Ophthalmology at Annai Arul Hospital utilizes a multidisciplinary approach towards caring for the eye problem of our patients.


Cardiology services at Annai Arul are at the forefront of advancing the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of heart and vascular disease.


The Department of Paediatrics at Annai Arul Hospital encompasses academic general Paediatrics and adolescent medicine.

Obstetrics & Gynecology

The Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology at Annai Arul Hospital offers a complete continuum of general and specialty gynaecological services.